

At the Assembly of Delegates held today, ITSRIGHT taked stock of its activities in the year 2021-2022.
In a year still marked by great suffering for the sector, trust in the company and in its work grows. This data is confirmed by the growth of mandates, which, at the close of the 2021-2022 fiscal year, between direct mandates, through agents, and foreign collecting societies exceeds 170.000.  

ITSRIGHT reconfirms itself as the only performers CMO in Italy, that negotiates and collects directly from Users  neighbouring rights’ compensations.
A commitment to make the activities in favor of its performers more and more efficient and transparent. Both Performers and music Users are rewarding ITSRIGHT’s strategy, which implements the change in the Italian law that allows Performers to manage their neighbouring rights’ compensations independently from discographers.
On the Broadcasting front, direct agreements have been signed with SKY, with Confindustria Radio TV, the most representative association of Italian radio and television media: an agreement that covers names such as RTL 102.5, Radio Deejay, Radio Capital, RDS, Radio Italia, Monte Carlo, and Radio 105. Added to this are the agreements already operational with RAI, RTI for all Mediaset channels, Discovery and DeAgostini.
A unique result in the Italian market of performers rights.  

Excellent results also on the international front. ITSRIGHT is committed to offer to performers and producers integrated and borderless services. The company's internationalisation process follows long-standing partnerships operating in major European countries, in the United States, in Canada, in South America. To date, ITSRIGHT boasts agreements involving 60 CMO, operating in more than 50 countries worldwide.  

"It was definitely a year that confirmed the effectiveness of our strategy. Our commitment for the coming year will be to make our services more and more efficient, to maximize the value of our performers and producers catalogues among all music users. We will continue to protect our performers so that they receive a fair remuneration for streaming uses and at their side for the unblocking, after years, of the collection of the Annual Supplementary Remuneration. It remains firm and strengthens, in fact, our commitment to reaffirm the centrality of rights in all forms, for the benefit of all those entitled”
commented Gianluigi Chiodaroli, President of ITSRIGHT.

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