
Itsright signs an agreement with SCF. Nuovo Imaie tries blocking the market.

 Once again the neighbouiring rights’ market is at the center of controversy. Nuovo IMAIE, brought proceedings against Itsright and SCF trying to block the effects of the first agreement signed in application of the provisions of the Liberalization’s Law.  

ITSRIGHT has always stressed the need to modernize the system of representation of performers rights in Italy, in the name of liberalization, in compliance with European best practices.

All thesis regarding the monopolistic management of neighbouring rights were finally overcome by the Law nr. 27/2012 and its implementing decree, issued by the Italian Government to define the requirements for those who want to operate in this market. ITSRIGHT was the first company joining the Government’s list of organization entitled to operate in the Italian neighbouring rights’ market, according to the new legislation.

The agreement signed in recent days by ITSRIGHT with SCF (record producers), represents the commitment of the market’s operators to implement what is required clearly by law. The agreement defines times, ways and procedures for the distribution to performers of the amount collected by SCF from 2012 onwards (currently about 20 million euro).

Now with the dispute promoted by Nuovo IMAIE the neighbouring rights’ market risks paralysis. Nuovo IMAIE’s action is merely the latest attempt to defend  a monopoly position which is now indefensible. All this at the expense of the artists.

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